Sunday 6 July 2014

The Ages of Empires #1 | Chapter 4

I couldn't imagine sleeping that long, "20 months?!" that's a year, 8 months. That wasn't actually funny, but i had lost that long period of time just for a show off, just to impress a lady. Damn me. I've got to rethink my ways henceforth.  The lady attending to me immediately noticing my intent to get up, cast a sleeping spell on me and down again i fell back to the sleep i had just successfully gotten up from.  Regrets, pain, anguish, were the last things on my mind, she was all in my thoughts. My imaginations were raided by her radiant beauty, my thoughts consumed by that stern look, my heart accelerated by that breath of anger and despair. I was entirely invaded, my defences lowered to a minus, my being been swallowed up by just the thoughts of having her for a minute, if just once, but that long.Alas! I could see her lips move, her muttering sound became clearer and she called my name. With that promiscuous smile of mine, i had forgotten the relevance of reality and the illusions of fantasy. But wait a minute, i never told no one my name. And it dawned on my lust-filled imaginations that i was only dreaming just then i was woken by the sound of a thundo-lightening strike on a resilient surface.  Behold the Queen of beauty de perfecto, her stern look more sexier and with the words "Idiot, wake up", i got a little grasp of my flaring emotions and realized that my environment was in a sudden rush. My body quivered, my thoughts rumbled. I remember i heard the sound of a thundo-lightening combo and thus pointing my gaze at the bemused lady who had been taking care of me, i felt a little bit calm and tried to figure out the qualms that made me quiver and that which made my muscles have crams at that moment.  Behold, my eyes burning with red hot desirous flames, my teeth grinding around its grim, my breath faster than the normal oxygen circulation (hyperventilation), my sounding system, confused as I muttered and murmured and groaned and moaned at the same time.  I was searching for one expression, one that took too long but at last I found it.  The sounds began coming in place, my body moved only in one direction.  And finally! 'sighs'..... "AAAAAAAARRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" was the sound and when I realized my left cheek was on fire and i flew out the opposite direction.  Little did i realize, the thundo-lightening combo was not an imaginary sound, it was real and it's surface was my left cheek. "You insolent idiot, enjoying your cowardice with that annoying smile" she yelled in anger. Though I was still somewhere between landing badly and still floating straight at light speed, the look on her face, never have i seen such infuriation in my entire life. "Ohh! That took 20 minutes to take effect. This guy is really dull to his pain receptors". The lady taking care of me said. Well... The landing is mine to keep, besides, it's unexplainable and embarrassing....

Hmmm... Where do I go from here?

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