Sunday 6 July 2014

The Ages of Empires #1 | Chapter 1

Soon after my growth in the Segstu justu, i encountered something marvelous...a gateway at the entrace of the church... I passed through this portal and found myself in 965 AD. It was at first frightening and scary, but with much inspirations and films i summoned up courage and decided to move on with this time travelling adventure...  I soon got to a village ravaging with all types of sin and i could not even imagine what their law would be... I was almost robbed by two asian folks, but thanks to my kungfu skills, i was able to fight them away...well, at least... Two prostitutes approached me as I walked a little further and wanted me to lie with them... They were pretty, sexy, cute looking, their seducing eye winks were mind blowing, their frequent touch on my pelvic region was far too tempting than ever... But, i am a man and not an alien, though i came through time, this is what i am designed to do...  In the long run, i had left them prostitutes be only to bash my gaze at something extraordinary...

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